It's tough at the top!

Horsham 2 lost out last night to Worthing 1 whose top two players were both graded above 200. With one game still to be decided (at best a draw for us) the score stands at 1.5-2.5.

Anthony’s Philidor on board 1 was subjected to a fierce kingside assault which seemed to have been largely weathered. An excursion of his queen, however, seeking activity on the other side of the board (when, as he subsequently put it, she would have been far better off hanging around nearer the centre) proved his undoing which ultimately came through the queenside.

In similar vein, Lucy’s QGD also led to aggressive play by white, again against her kingside. In middle game her king sought safety by marching towards the other wing only to be ambushed down the centre files with terminal consequences.

Peter’s Petroff led to a game of fluctuating fortunes, seemingly he being in the driving seat at least initially. Subsequently this advantage was reversed so that he had to give up the exchange though not without some compensation. Whatever his aspirations at that stage, his opponent obligingly then allowed a simple knight fork of king and queen to bring the full point home for Horsham.

Phil’s Grand Prix attack led to a lasting initiative, ultimately resulting in the win of the exchange. In late middle game however with Q and R against Q and N, the steed found a strong centre posting and whilst Phil was threatening mate on the move, this came at the price of perpetual check by his opponent.

Finally, and for the second match running, Dix’s game went the full distance of 60 moves and precisely as last time the latter stages saw him defending a very tough end game against a 200+ opponent. Immediate post match analysis suggested the position (R+3P v R+1P) was far from a clear-cut loss and at time of this report, it was yet to be decided whether adjudication would be required.

Final result thereby either 3.5-1.5 or 3-2 in favour of Worthing.

Update: Dix resigned his game, so the result is a 3.5-1.5 win for Worthing.

Board Horsham 2 (Home) Result Worthing 1 (Away)
1 Anthony RJ Higgs 0-1 Matthew J Payne
2 David N Roberts 0-1 David B Graham
3 Lucy Bennet-Stevens 0-1 Michael D Nicholas
4 Philip M Stimpson 1/2-1/2 Rakesh Nair
5 Peter Harbott 1-0 Keith Homeyard

Horsham 2 had White on even-numbered boards.


Dix has subsequently conceded his game and so final result is 1.5-3.5 in favour of Worthing 1.