Horsham 1 finish to season roundup

Horsham 1 have completed their season with two wins and one defeat in matches played in March.

The defeat was in the first match against Eastbourne 1 by the narrowest margin (1.5-2.5). Horsham had looked like the might win, as they were 1.5-1.5 on the bottom three boards with just the top board clash (Maks Rozman - Mark Broom) to finish and Mark looking like he had winning chances; however, a reversal in the endgame saw the Horsham player go down to a defeat.

Horsham 1 managed to score a comfortable away win vs Hastings 2 by 3-1, and also avoided any problems with road closures on the way back, which was welcome in view of previous experience!

Horsham 1 finished with another 3-1 win, this time away vs Crowborough 1. There was a problem getting a board four, due to the unavailability of two regulars for various reasons, while half of the rest of the club was apparently playing in the Guildford Congress! Fortunately, Daniel Miller stepped into the breach, and managed to hold a draw, which was a very useful result for the team.

Overall, the season has been disappointing for Horsham 1. Our final league position has yet to be confirmed, but we failed to seriously challenge the runnaway winners, Brighton 1, and suffered some disappointing results. The best individual score was 7/9 (6 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss) for captain James Mansson, mosty on board three.