Disappointing loss for Horsham 2

Having not unexpectedly lost heavily against Hastings 1 last week, Horsham 2 was looking for an element of revenge in last night's match against Hastings 2 but alas it was not to be. As a result of a 1.5-2.5 defeat we will definitely finish in the bottom 2 (and hence presumably relegated) though in practice this had already been decided by other results - not only would we have had to win this match but also our last fixture of the season against a very strong Worthing 1.

Nick got us off to a flying start with a QP opening on board 4 where he castled long against his opponent's kingside retreat and launched what proved to be a mating attack though not without a number of tactical traps along the way.

Phil's game on board 1 looked a solid affair and so it proved with a reasonably early draw.

I understand Peter secured a pawn advantage but then went astray and had to give up a piece for a second pawn which proved insufficient.

Employing the Leningrad Dutch against my opponent's English, I enjoyed a strong attack and established a solid plus with an extra pawn and the bonus of his king being denuded of cover. Not for the first time this year, however, I then went wrong and allowed a monster knight to infiltrate and dominate the board. I missed the best resource (an exchange sacrifice, equal according to the silicon beast) and eventually succumbed in a long drawn out endgame.

We will be back!